
Losing Instagram Followers Everything You Need To Know

Losing Instagram Followers Everything You Need To Know

Are you witnessing fewer followers than before on your Instagram? Is your Instagram reach decreasing day by day?  Fret Not! This blog will address each of your concerns with solutions.

In the wide landscape of social media, Instagram boasts an online presence as one of the top social media platforms. It enables a hundred thousand users to share their stories, express their moments, and share their life experiences with their loved ones.

Instagram followers are your fellow users who are kept updated about your platform’s activity. Giving them an insight into your life. However, as a user, you might have experienced a drop in your followers. Ever wondered what triggered the drop?

This blog will explore various reasons why you might be losing followers on Instagram and easy solutions on how to cope with it. Without any further ado, let’s get into everything you need to know about losing Instagram followers.

Why Am I Losing The Followers I Bought?

Have you recently gained followers to boost your online presence but suddenly observed a huge drop after a time? Is this sudden decrease in your follower counts making you wonder,  why am I losing the followers I bought? Well, there could be many reasons behind this drop. Some of the major reasons are discussed below.

 1- Follow For Follow Schemes

Ever heard of the “follow-unfollow” trick? It’s like a sneaky game where you follow someone on Instagram, and as soon as they follow you back, you hit the unfollow button. But here’s the thing – it’s a bit of a turn-off when people figure out you’re playing this game. Sure, you get a new follower, and your count goes up, but is it worth it? Why try to follow someone you don’t even want to connect with? Remember, social media is about being social and not just gaining followers.


Create your bespoke community on Instagram and engage with them often. Instead of using tricky methods, make your profile look catchy, ask your followers questions, and engage with others who have the same preferences. If you post regularly, make sure to share helpful content, and keep an eye on trends, you’ll organically get more followers.

2- Inconsistent Posting

Another reason why you might be losing followers is that you’re not posting on Instagram at the right time. If you don’t share your content often, people will not be able to see or connect with it. Instagram is like a fast train – things move quickly. So, if you wait too long between posts, your message won’t stick in people’s minds.

Here’s the deal: Instagram likes it when you post regularly. This means having a schedule for how often you share. You can do it every day or a few times a week, but the key is to stick with it.

If you hardly ever post, Instagram’s system won’t show your content to others, and they might think you’re not active anymore. And they might as well follow someone other than you. That makes sense, right? People want to follow someone who’s around and active enough to share relevant information. So, if you’re not consistent, you might lose followers.


Pick certain days, and stick to them when you post on Instagram. You don’t have to start by posting every day. But make sure to post often, to be featured on others’ timelines. Also, figure out when your followers are online the most – that’s when you should post. This helps you understand how they feel about you and your content.

3- Posting Irrelevant Content

Posting relevant content greatly impacts your viewership. You might start losing all your followers if your post is irrelevant or unworthy content on your Instagram. Your followers could get tired and stop following you as your not-so-relevant posts are taking over their feeds.

Here’s a list of posts to avoid:

Too much selling: Some brands think what’s good for them is good for their followers. So, they keep posting content for sale on their social media instead of sharing what really matters to their audience.

Religion and Politics: People have strong feelings about religion and politics. If you often post related to such topics, you might not reach your followers. Also, posting and talking too much about religion might upset those who don’t agree with you, and you can lose followers.

Copying popular content: Sometimes, when you are clueless about what content to post, you often switch to reposting a popular meme or a reel. However, as your followers might have already seen, this can give the impression of repentance, and they might be clicking the unfollow button soon.


  • Instead of just sharing your own content on Instagram, try joining ongoing conversations. Listen to what your audience and influencers are talking about. Then, create your posts to respond to these discussions rather than just broadcasting.
  • Before you share anything, make sure it’s not about any strong beliefs, like religion or politics. Also, plan your posts ahead of time to make sure they matter to your followers.

4- Low Engagement

Keeping your followers around comes down to engagement – that’s the key. Without enough of it, Instagram won’t give you the desirable outcomes. Engagement is like the engine that brings followers to your account. When you talk and connect, it helps your business grow. This boosts the conversations and traffic you get.

People are more likely to chat with you if you’re there for them. If you don’t build a bond with your followers, they might leave, and your follower count will go down. So, to avoid losing followers, build a strong relationship with them. On Instagram, you can say helpful things on others’ posts to start chatting and getting more people interested.

Here’s why you might lose followers due to low engagement:

  • You’re managing too many accounts on social media.
  • No one responds to DMs or comments.
  • There isn’t enough engagement in your content.


  • Concentrate on a couple of social networks that work best for reaching the people you want to connect with.
  • Keep an eye on comments and messages, or get help from another group or company to do it.
  • You can get more people to chat with you on social media if you share things that teach, update, or amuse them.

5- Not Focusing On Your Ideal Audience

When people check out your profile, they might wonder, “What do I get from this?” They think about what they’ll gain by following you. If you’re losing followers, it might be because you’re sharing content that your target audience isn’t into.


Consider the hashtags your Ideal Reader would use. Make a list of those hashtags and then engage the people who are using them. It’s a great way to link up with the people you want to reach and show them you care. This keeps you active and stops you from wondering, “Why am I losing followers I bought?”

6- Boring Instagram Caption

If your pictures and captions on your feed aren’t interesting enough for your followers, you’re not taking advantage of the platform, and you’re losing followers on Instagram.

Boring captions don’t get likes and comments, which are what you want when you share your content online. It’s harder to connect with new people and keep your current followers if they’re not engaged.


Create your content strategy with the mindset of a content creator. Make your captions a center point where your online community gathers. Captions are really important for your Instagram posts. They give meaning, offer something valuable, and can even turn potential customers into actual ones.

Wrapping Up!

Seeing a drop in your follower count on your Instagram can be a little hurtful and might make you ask, “Why am I losing the followers I bought?”. Instagram features an optimized algorithm that requires consistency, relevant content, engagement, and keeping up with its trend to feature your content on fees. Moreover, in this highly competitive landscape, you need to put great effort into ensuring that your followers remain on your account.

However, if you are looking for an easy and reliable way to gain more followers or get more Instagram likes to boost your Instagram presence, Sociotraffic is just the place to go. We offer a seamless and easy way to elevate your online presence via our automated likes and followers services. So why wait? Get in touch now and learn everything you need to know about losing Instagram followers and how to shape your Insta presence.

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